Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Hi" and "Bye"

and "eye" - these are Lilli's first words :-) she said "eye" first, but we weren't sure if it was a word or not until she started saying "hi" a few days later and then last night she said "bye" to the dog when we went out to do an errand. it's so great to hear her talking!

this is our picture from yesterday at the park; we go there every day as long as it's nice and Lilli has a great time just running around in the grass since there are pretty much no boundaries! (sorry these are a little blurry - they were taken with my phone)
she also wanted to try on my sunglasses (as usual) and managed to get them on her face!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

our poor, neglected blog...

We've moved to New Jersey, so Lilli is now officially a Jersey Girl :-) Unfortunately that's kept me very busy and I've been unable to post till now. It seems as if we have quite a bit of catching up to do! Here are some recent pictures of Lilli...

She learned how to use the broom - lots of fun!

She also likes to use utensils! At least some of the time...
She also recently decided to see what life inside the cupboard might be like...

And then promptly decided that it was far better not to be in the cupboard!
She also enjoys going on (almost) daily wagon rides now that the weather is getting nice...
and she also likes to pull the wagon around. We think she's telling us that she wants more wagon time but, sadly for Lilli, she is usually unable to persuade us.
And, last but certainly not least, Lilli loves her Daddy :-)

Monday, December 17, 2007

photos as promised...

Lilli is a bulldozer... keep your babies out of her way!

Lilli is computing the fact that she's actually allowed to rip the paper!
She's really warmed up to this toy - it's definitely a new favorite. She especially likes the gears on the side and the wire-bead part on the top...
and she liked the latkes too!
although there were cuter pictures from this series, out of respect for Charlie we chose one that keeps his business more private ;-)
the following morning, Charlie demonstrated how a "go-go bike" works while Lilli looked on. Charlie was nice enough to grant her permission to play with the super-cute yellow car and then we were even allowed to bring it home with us, where Lilli continues to enjoy it!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

just news today - photos to follow soon!

Lilli has been very busy lately! We went down to New Rochelle last weekend to visit with Aunt Eleanor, Uncle Nick and family. Lilli had so much fun playing with her big cousin, Charlie, and inspecting her little cousins, Conrad and Alexander! She also pointed for the first time last Friday - it was at a light, which isn't particularly surprising to Mommy since they've always fascinated her so much :-) Then just a few minutes later she started to say "mamamama", which was music to Mommy's ears! She's also taking multiple steps in a row these days, although crawling is definitely still the mode of choice when it comes to transporting herself. I don't think it'll be too long before she gives it up though! We're so impressed with all the big steps this little girl is taking these days.

Photos to follow as soon as I remember to load them up!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Happy Hanukkah :-)

Crawling around under the table is a favorite pastime - she loves to go over the wood bars.
Boo! or Peekaboo, rather - Lilli totally loves this game :-)

and Sadie will even play!

This is how Lilli most often sleeps; with her tush up in the air.
She definitely enjoys having her picture taken!
This slinky was a Hanukkah gift from Aunt Eleanor and it provided Lilli with much entertainment yesterday after passing the "shake" test. (As in, it's fun when she shakes it!)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Happy Halloween!

First, we went to pick out a pumpkin. Lilli thought it was a lot of fun, and Daddy even had a good time since he was able to find some cider donuts (although we don't actually have any photo evidence of the cider donuts...)

Then we went to a fun Halloween party. The pumpkin is Lilli's friend from the class we go to at Cartwheels for Kids. I think it's really cute that they're looking at each other as if to say, "You do realize you're dressed as a pumpkin/puppy, right?"

Then we let our puppy play in the yard with some leaves :-) It took her a while to catch on to the whole leaves-can-be-fun idea, but she got it eventually!

And, since everyone's parents have to embarrass them with bathtub pictures, here's one of Lilli... She especially enjoys the bubbles, the duck on the faucet and (of course) splashing around!

Lilli is continuing to cruise, and recently she discovered that she can actually walk behind the little walker toy in addition to playing with the various fun toys on the front. She's also doing a lot of cruising, still climbing the stairs every chance she gets and is after Sadie pretty much all the time! Last week, after Mommy and Daddy started to worry about when exactly it was going to happen, Lilli decided to grace us with her lovely voice and started to babble. Yay! Now we'll just have to keep listening to see what comes first; Mama or Dada...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

we can't wait for winter...

Lilli's bunting came recently and Mommy just had to try it on her... Yay for Land's End making such a super-cute bunting - it has a removable faux fur thingy around the face. I'm pretty sure we'll be leaving that on, though ;-)

Sometimes we hide Cheerios in Lilli's little LeapFrog table and it's always such an exciting surprise when she finds them...

She continues to enjoy bagels regularly...

and Sadie is still an excellent helper when it's time to clean up!
In fact, sometimes it's almost like we have two dogs!